Our Children’s Medicine:

Your Corporate ReconcilACTION Partners

Indigenize Your Hiring Process With

Our Children’s Medicine

Our Children's Medicine is building a future where Indigenous and diverse job seekers have equal access to, and are properly represented amongst Canadian business. Our Children's Medicine (OCM) achieves this through a dual approach focusing on employment systems and job seeker development. We believe advancements toward Reconciliation must happen in partnership, through thoughtful collaboration and consultation, between both Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals and organizations.


  • OCM’s customizable approach to Indigenizing the workplace supports the overview of current recruitment policies, ensuring that the values and traditions of Indigenous communities are accurately represented and respected within the organization.

  • We offer an education module about Indigenous history for all managers to experience, particularly those who will be working with Indigenous job seekers and/or employees.

  • OCM will provide practical advice and suggestions on how to become involved with Indigenous communities outside of employment. Our goal is to offer valuable insights and resources for organizations seeking to engage with Indigenous communities in meaningful ways beyond traditional work opportunities. Through our guidance, you can learn how to participate in cultural events, support local initiatives, and foster genuine connections with Indigenous peoples.

  • We will recommend changes to improve communication, increase awareness, and enhance relationships across your organization to support Indigenous employees and partnerships.

Indigenous Job Seekers

  • Indigenous job postings on Our Children's Medicine's (OCM) HigherMe platform provide an opportunity for Indigenous job seekers to highlight their authentic real-life skills and cultural strengths, empowering them to find meaningful employment opportunities.

  • HigherMe's mobile-friendly application makes it easy for job seekers to apply without needing a resume.

  • OCM helps job seekers improve their job applications with feedback from employers to increase their chances of getting hired.

  • OCM uses skills-based approach to recommend employment opportunities to job seekers in OCM’s Talent Pool. Continuous talent development and safety through SMS text support.

  • Workshop opportunities are available for nonprofits that support Indigenous job seekers with a focus on using the HigherMe platform and interview support.

  • At Our Children's Medicine, our staff can provide recommendations for further education and training through our partner organizations. Contact us for more information on how we can assist you in your employment journey.

Learn More!

Brent Chamberlain - Vice President of Inclusion, CIBC.

“It’s through our community partnerships [with Indigenous-focused organizations] that we’ve made the most change. They help us connect directly with communities and build long-term relationships. This is not something that happens overnight.”

Ellen Austin - Director, Diversity & Inclusion, BDC

"BDC is proud to partner with Our Children's Medicine in connecting with Indigenous job seekers and youth. OCM has an innovative and energetic approach that is contagious. Always willing to help us, OCM understand our business and helps us have a tangible long-term impact".  

Employer Partner Highlights Since 2016

‘Our Children’s Medicine’ (Kiinago Biinoogi Muskiiki in Ojibway) is a traditional spirit name.

We recognize that our work, and the work of our partners, takes place on traditional Indigenous territories across Canada and Turtle Island.

We also wish to acknowledge that the Our Children’s Medicine head office is located on the traditional Indigenous territory of the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and most recently, the territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

This territory is part of the Dish with One Spoon Treaty, an agreement between the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

We wish to express gratitude to Mother Earth and for the resources we are using, and honour all the First Nation, Inuit, and Métis who have been living on the land since time immemorial.